Thursday, June 19, 2014

Before Buy 'N Large in Wall-E, There was Bailey's Discount Center

Growing up in Northern Indiana there are two certain things aside from death and taxes: harsh winters and unbearable summers. Throughout the summers, several local county fairs dot the landscape but watching a horse pull followed by a tractor pull was the icing on the cake. Seeing a Clydesdale up close and realizing how small you are compared to a massive animal always made it that much sweeter. The sheer strength of a team working with one another to take home a winning title, was always the highlight of the fair. Indulging in funnel cakes, tenderloin sandwiches, extra large turkey legs, and kettle corn is sure to put a damper on your wallet. In the winter, you may as well make sure you have a 4x4, decent pair of snow boots, and Carhart overalls to get you from point A to B. When I was younger I remember going with my mom and dad to a large warehouse-like store in the middle of nowhere known to the locals as Bailey's. Over the years that 100,000 square-foot store has been rebuilt to nearly twice the size and houses more merchandise than ever before. From furniture, kitchen cabinets to groceries, pet supplies, and odds and ends, Bailey's is literally a mega-store with low prices.

Although located in the middle of nowhere, you won't miss this mega-store on the side of the road. A few months ago, my wife and I decided to take a road trip down to Bailey's to meander around. Since we were in a cookie decorating mood, we stocked up decorations inexpensively, between $0.33 - $1.00/bottle. We were so excited that I think we brought home at least a half dozen bottles and still have some left over for the next round of baking goodness! We also bought a few other miscellaneous items for only pennies on the dollar compared to the supermarket giants. Most of the time, you will notice popular brand names such as Green Giant, Lindt chocolate, DelMonte, Betty Crocker, NesCafe, and Folgers at rock bottom prices. Of course, there will be an oddball brand or two that you may have never heard of, but flip the package around and compare the ingredients to some of your favorite brands. You may notice that they are more similar than you previously thought. Similar to Pine Hill Discount, if you see something you use and use it often, buy it all since it may not be on the shelves at a rock bottom price. Since I love Spanish paprika, I found an 18oz container on the shelf in date until 2016 and it only cost $2.99! I snatched it up and threw it in the cart before someone else came by. 

If you get thirsty or munchy throughout your shopping escapade, there is a Dairy Queen / Orange Julius conveniently located in the store. On those warm summer days, kick back with a DQ Blizzard or Orange Julius smoothie or get one for the ride home! 

Bailey's Discount Center
5900 S. Range Road
North Judson, IN 46366
(574) 896-3889

Business Hours (Central Time)
Monday       8:00a-8:00p
Tuesday       8:00a-8:00p
Wednesday  8:00a-8:00p
Thursday      8:00a-8:00p
Friday          8:00a-8:00p
Saturday      8:00a-6:00p
Sunday        Closed

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